So, I
have been thinking lately about what kind
of job I am going to do
after I graduate from my university. I never really had any ideas of what kind
of job I would do later on. I always
feel that I am doing this day by day without even thinking what would my future
looks like and how my study can lead me to become a bigger person. By writing
this post, I want to share what my major has to offer and how promising it is
in current economy. Well, first of all, information system is a very
broad thing to be explained precisely, however, the general idea of information
system is to organize a group of raw data in order to be processed or
"executed," so that it will be useful and meaningful for common people.
I always believe that my major would guarantee me a job after I graduate from
university because of how "broad" and how important my discipline is,
however, that might not be the case these days due to the fact that we are
having a financial crisis in United States (which I hope will end soon).
Nowadays there are a lot of companies that prefer
to hire a Computer Science graduate than an Information System graduate since they feel that Computer Science
graduate is the complete package, they can do the language, maintaining IT
department, and database should not be a big deal for them to handle.
However, we there is this program that will make
us Information System graduate has a more promising future than those Computer
Science graduates. This software is SAP which stands forSystems Applications and Products in Data
Processing.It was created by a company inMannheim, Germany, the company states that "it is the world's largest
inter-enterprise software company and the world's fourth-largest independent software supplier, overall." This
software basically works as a database in which all the information and process
of the organization being stored together, so that it would be much easier for
the user to process all the data they needed. This program requires you to take
additional courses in order to get the certificate, however, keep in mind that
these courses are not easy and could be easily be one of the hardest courses
you ever taken. So, what is the reward of taking all these hard courses? Well, people with SAP certificate have
a higher overall salary than a "normal" Information System graduate. Based on Dhoho blog, the base salary for
SAP analyst salary is anywhere between
$125,000 to $150,000 per project. Dhoho
blog also has some brief descriptions about the SAP certificate and how useful
they are.On the
other hand, based on Top 10 Jobs in Information Technologyarticle by Rachel Zupek, the “general” Information
System major only falls around $75,000 per year. Looking at those data makes me more motivated to achieve my certificate for the SAP in San Francisco State
University before I graduate. I am hoping that I will have better chance of
getting a job in my discipline as a SAP analyst or manager with the certificate
in my hand. In the end, getting a job requires good luck as well, so for those
of you who are trying to get a job,
I wish you luck and I hope this blog will help expand your knowledge about
Information System. Below is a YouTube video that explains about SAP in a great
detail, I hope you guys enjoy it.
As you guys
know yesterday was the Election Day and it was an intense fight between Mr.
Obama and Mr. Romney. However, it turns out that Mr. Obama won yesterday
election and will lead our country for four more years (Yay!). Even though I am
not from United States and do not have the ability to vote, yet I do feel that
Mr. Obama would be better choice for us. Obviously, I am here not to talk about
my political stance, but instead there was one innovation from the Election Day
that amazed me a little bit. They started to use E-Vote (Electric voting) to
collect all of our votes which is very cool for me. This is actually my first
time experiencing the Election Day here in United States, so I have no idea
whether they already used electric vote or not last time. However, I do know
that in my country (Indonesia), there is not such a thing, we still do it in a
traditional way which use a sheet of paper that has a picture of the president
we are voting for. It is amazing to see how fast the technology has grown, I wonder
how Election Day would look like 24 year from now, and it must be really
awesome. Prior to vote, the voters
will receive a barcode in which they will need to swipe it to the computer
which has the E-vote software in it. After that you will choose the candidate
that you want to vote and then hand sign it at the very end. This software will
only allow one vote each voter so that he or she will not be able to vote twice
using different computers. For those of
you who wants to know more about how E-Vote works in a more detailed article
you can read Internet-based and open source: How e-voting works around the globe article by Cyrus Farivar. It has a very detailed explanation
about the history of this system and how it actually works.
Sadly though, every innovation must have pros and
cons and yes, E-Vote has its own flaws as well, many people argue that the
votes could be hacked or manipulated by someone that has the authorization
to check the vote (Could e-Voting Machines in Election
2012 be Hacked? Yes. By Mark Clayton) which would be a very serious issue if there was anything
like that on the Election Day. Furthermore,
many experts believe that software bugs or malicious software can be another
issue (Clayton), this software bugs will be able to get inside the system and
alter the result of the vote which will become a major loss for the losing
candidate and his or her supporter.
At this point, you guys might wonder what I am trying to say on this post.
Well, as you guys already know, I am majoring in Information System and this
should be a very interesting innovation for me, because it really giving
my discipline more options in term of work-field. Like what I've told
you guys above, we are anticipating that there might be a major flaw that need
to be worked on and this is a good for Information System and Information
Technology discipline because now the presidential office should hire someone
that could work on the database to make it much more secure and solid. There
should be a way that will prevent those votes to be hacked or even seen by
anyone in the office.
There was
another issue on this event which is the voting lines. There are many complains
about how long the lines are, people talk about it on their Twitter, Facebook,
or maybe blogs. There is an article in ABC News that talks about this
issue," People in states like Florida and Ohio waited up to seven hours.
In other states, there were shorter, though still-frustrating two-to three-hour
waits. Some experts place the blame on high turnout, but many will tell you the
culprit is technology -- failed and faulty e-voting machines." This lines show
how people are aware of the possibility of faulty e-voting machines and this is
a very great opportunity for those IT people to get a new job. I believe that
with a better database and preparation system this issue should be able to be
Yet, with all those flaws that the
system has, I still believe that E-Vote should be maintained and improved
further, because technology is our future and I believe that E-Voting will
change people perspective about the Election Day. I can recall seeing my parents
avoiding the Election Day due to the fact that the process takes almost their
whole day and I remember how my dad always babbling about how long it takes for
us to know the result. E-Vote can be the solution for all the inefficiency;
therefore, I believe that if we can figure out how to reduce the waiting line
to the minimal limit and use a solid and advanced security system, there should
be no reason for us not to like this innovation. Image if we have the
capability to minimize all the Election Process to only five or ten minutes and
by the end of the day we will be able to know the final result of the vote, it
would be fantastic and I believe that it would increase the number of
participants who use their right to vote.
I have been
writing about Information System related topics for my blog posts and I hope by
now some of you might find this discipline interesting or at least planning to
get to know this study more than before. In this blog post, I would like to
talk about what classes I took for my Associate Degree and what I am taking or
planning to take in order to get my Bachelor degree in Information System.
Like what I
have said in some of my posts, I started my study in City College of San
Francisco majoring in Computer Information Science. I needed to take two
Computer Science classes in which I could choose between three programming
language which are C++, Java, or Visual Basic. Of course I have no right to force you guys to choose which language
you should pick, but I believe before you take Java and Visual Basic you need
to master C++ first. I believe that C++ is the basic of all languages,
so that if you know how to work with C++, you should be able to learn other
languages easily. I took Introduction to C++ which is CS 110A in City College
and I took Intermediate level C++ which is CS 110B. These two classes are the foundation to my programming knowledge and
I feel that it does not really necessary for Information System major to take
the Advance level of C++ which is the CS 110C class, obviously because software
programming is not the main focus in Information System. Furthermore, I
also took Introduction to Information System (CS 101), this class teaches us
all the basic things you should know about computer systems such as what is
Gigabyte, Megabyte, and ASCII code, etc. Personally,
I feel that this class is not that useful for those of you who have basic
knowledge of computer and networking, sadly though this class is a requirement
for those who want to transfer to CSU/UC. Other than those computer
related classes, another required courses that I had to take was Microeconomics
(ECON 3), Macroeconomics (ECON 1), Financial Accounting (ACCT 1), Managerial
Accounting (ACCT 3), Statistics (ECON 5), Mathematics for Business (MATH 75),
English classes, and elective general education courses. I cannot tell you much about these classes because I did not enjoy
all those classes myself, one advice though, really spend your time studying
ECON 5 and ACCT 1 because it will be very useful for you later on when you
transfer to University. For those of you that currently studying in
City College of San Francisco and planning to transfer to San Francisco State
University majoring in Business Administration, will really help you out.
After I got
my Associate degree I transferred to San Francisco State University which I
took Information System 350, Business 360, Marketing 431, and Decision Science
412. Many people believe that ISYS
350 is one of the hardest classes for Information System major because it
covers a lot of stuffs related to programming language such as Java and C#. I
believe that this difficulty happens due to fact that many people do not have a
strong background on programming language when they get into their University.
So that, I really encourage you guys to take some basic classes about
programming language. Throughout summer I took Information System 363
and International Business 330. Well,
ISYS 363 should be an easy class for those of you who have some experiences
with Microsoft Excel and Access. However, for those of you who do not have any
experiences before, this class could be challenging for you since you need to
do A LOT of stuffs related to Microsoft Excel and Access. So, you might want to
learn some basic knowledge about Excel and Access before taking this class in order
to give you a head start, but I believe that you guys will have a fun time with
this class since it is the basic of our discipline. On the other hand though,
do not ever take IBUS 330 on summer, I repeat DO NOT. This class is hard
enough on long semester due to how much time you need to spend for this class.
Itrequires you to watch 90
minutes videos and you need to stop at some point of the video to take notes
which will take A LOT of your time, so you guys better not take this class with
other hard classes such as DS 412 and Finance 350. This semester I am
taking English 414, Finance 350, Management 405, Information System 463, and
Information System 464. I cannot tell
you guys much yet about these classes because I have not done with them yet,
but I will put it down later on when I am done with these classes. I am
not sure yet which classes I will take next semester, but I need to finish up
my Segment III General Education as soon as possible in order being able to
graduate. For those of you who curios of the degree road-map of this
major, you can see Degree Roadmap in Business
Administration – Information System. This link has a complete guideline on which classes you
should take and when the best time for you to take them is.
Well, of
course people in Information System could work at any place they want because
almost every company would need Information System on their system. For me, my
dream is to work at a car dealership working on their database because like
what I've told you guys many times my real passion is on automobiles
or working on something related to car. My advice for you guys that want to the
same education path as mine is that you need to realize what Information System
really is – what will you guys do on the future and what kind of studies you
need to take in order to accomplish your dream. I learn from my mistake in
which I believe that because I love gaming and computer stuffs, Information
System would be fun things for me to do, but later on I realize that my thought
was wrong. Nevertheless though I still enjoy my major, yet it is not as easy as
I thought it would be, I believe that Information System is one of the hardest
branches in Business. You guys should check out the YouTube video that I
provided, this video gives you guys those advises that you guys need in order
to be able to succeed in this discipline.