you ever wondered what your future might be like? Well, I have, and I am always
curious about it. Whether it is going to be fun or is it going to be a
nightmare. On
my first
blog post, I mentioned that Information System originally was not
my first choice of major, yet I finally decided to get into this discipline
because I want to have a promising future, a job that could give me top notch
As I
only have a limited insight to the working environment, I interviewed one of my
friends, Cameron Taslim, who has been working first hand at Consensus Corp for
about 18 months. Cameron, like myself, is also an Indonesian.
He graduated from San Jose State University with a Bachelor's Degree in
Computer Science. You guys might wonder why I chose someone from Computer
Science when I obviously have explained before that Information System and
Computer Science are not the same thing. The reason why is because he is not
working as a software programmer right now. He is more into the Information
Technology department which handles the company networking system, both
software and hardware support; his job is to purchase IT related equipments,
setting projectors and meeting rooms, assisting people who have problem with
their softwares, emails, building security cameras or alarms, and many more
things that are related to IT.

Cameron lives in San Jose area, so he commutes from San Jose to San Francisco almost everyday. It is about 50 minutes drive to Embarcadero BART station, and then he would walk from there to his workplace. I asked him about how he feels about his job – whether or not he enjoys it. He told me that he enjoys his job right now, but would love to work in a software programming company since he is originally a computer-science guy. Cameron then explains that his job does not relate with anything he learned in school. When he first entered the company, he needed to learn everything from basic. He even told me that after working there for 18 months he only knows a fraction of things that he should do in his department. This is true to a lot of people. Many think that school would prepare them for the real job, but it turns out that it is not necessarily true. What would probably better prepare us for what is coming up is an internship at a company where we can get a hand on experience working at the field. I then asked about the average income one would receive working in this career; Cameron told me that because he is a newcomer, his annually salary is about $60,000 which is not bad for a starter compared to other jobs. I was curious with the advantages and disadvantages working as a full-timer compared to part-timer. Cameron said that the obvious benefit of working as a full-timer is the working hour. A full-time job would have a much more working hour than a part-time job, resulting in better income for full-timers. Also, aside from the hours, working full-time means employees will receive medical benefits that the company would provide, which is one thing to aim for when looking for a job. There is a disadvantage, however, of working full-time job – because employees are paid annually, working overtime does not mean they would get paid extra.

Sadly, that was all I could ask him because he needed to finish up his work, however, I received a lot of useful information about the work field. Even though I have never worked here in United States before, yet Cameron's explanation gives me an idea of how real working place would be like. Right now, I feel a little anxious knowing about how our school education would not help a lot in our work life. However, that does not reduce my impatience to immediately enter the working environment.
Why have I never heard of Consensus Corp, formerly, LetsTalk.com?? You give a lot of information about what services the company provides to the public. I think that you did not really go into depth what exactly the IT does. I am still a little confused. You do have a lot of good points about the benefits of working for resell company but what day to day functions are barely mentioned for this to be information technology daily as titled.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of this type of company before. It is interesting to know that their out there and it doesn't really come to me as a surprise that there are companies that sell items (Ex. cell phones) to other companies or their own employees for a cheaper price. What kind of stuff does he do on a regular basis? I know that you have mentioned that information system and computer science are not the same, but they seem like they would be similar mostly since your friend is doing information system even though he has majored in computer science.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting to realize the job you may get might be different from what you went to school for. It sounds like your friend is in a great company. The horizontal relationship between employees gives your friend a good opportunity to offer his ideas.